Iwaju Afrika. A Transdisciplinary Review on Africa
ISSN 1840-9954. Dépôt légal N°12386 du 25-08-2020, 3ème trimestre, Bibliothèque nationale du Bénin
In order to harmonize the texts and ease their use, it is recommended to respect the following guidelines:
- Title page
The title page indicates the following information: title of the article, Full name of the author(s), postal address of their institution, e-mail address, personal postal address, and phone number.
- The text of the article
The article must start on page two to facilitate the anonymization of the articles submitted to the Reading Committee. The text should not include headers or footers that give information about the author of the article.
- Illustrations and tables
All illustrations and tables must be numbered.
Illustrations should be provided as separate files (jpg, or tiff, 300 dpi or higher), each accompanied by a permission slip if applicable.
Illustrations and tables must be legible in black and white (for the print version of the journal).
– Font: Centaur
– Size: 13
– Spacing: 1.5
– Titles and (sub)headings are kept at the same size 13
- Referencing style
First name(s), last name, title in italics, city of publication, publishing house, year, page (total number of pages or the page(s) used).
- Books, theses, and dissertations are in italics
Example 1 : Serge Sur, Les dynamiques du droit international, Paris, Pedone, 2012, 313 p.
- Articles in quotation marks, and the journals, directories, or books in which they are published in italics.
- The order of the references: City of publication, publishing house, year, page (number of pages in total or the page(s) used).
Example 2 : Yves Daudet, « État du monde », Annuaire économique et géopolitique mondial, Paris, La Découverte, Paris, 1996, p. 608.
Example 3 : Victor Hugo, « La vieille chambre », L’Homme qui rit [online], Édition Project Gutenberg, 2004, book eight, chapter 4, URL : http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/etext04/8lhmq10h.htm, Accessed January 4th, 2012.
The presentation of the bibliography
The bibliography should be presented in alphabetical order according to the following format:
- General works
- Specific works
- Theses and dissertations
- Articles
- Webography
- …etc.
Other instructions
- Acronyms and acronyms: full names are always given in full once before being replaced by their abbreviated form. The acronym is written in capital letters.
- The acronym (an acronym that is pronounced like an ordinary word) begins with an initial capital letter and ends in a lower case.
For example: Unesco.
- Quotations should always be enclosed in French quotation marks (« … ») and inserted in the body of the text. Do not use italics. If necessary, use chevrons (< >) in a passage already in quotation marks. For example: « <A Canadian-style> canvas was used ».
- Any quotation in a language other than French must be translated into a footnote. If the language of writing is English, any quotation in another language must be translated into a footnote.
- All words in a language other than French (if the text is in French), or in a language other than English (if the text is in English), or on which the author wants to put emphasis, are put in italics (bold and underlined are not accepted).
- Proper names are in lower case, not capital letters.